You find yourself avoiding mirrors as it makes you feel anxious and insecure. If you do find the courage to face one, you find yourself criticizing everything that you see. You wish your body reflected the way you think your body "should be" instead of how it actually is. You keep thinking that once you're thinner or skinnier, you will finally feel at peace. However, every time you try to reach that goal, it keeps moving further away. Leaving you feeling exhausted, depressed, and hopeless. You want to love your body, but it feels like an impossible task.
Maybe, you notice you are fixated on your physical appearance almost all of the time. To the point, you find yourself constantly body-checking. You're anxious to see if anything has changed or if your body is still the same. Your body image takes a significant toll on your self-esteem leading you to feel more uncomfortable and more anxious to be in your own skin. When you plan to go out, you find yourself changing your clothes more times than you can count before you leave. You don't like the way the clothes fit, or they feel uncomfortable. It's overwhelming. You just want to love the body you're in and feel comfortable in your own skin.
Our body image therapists at Manhattan Wellness want to assist you in building a positive, healthy relationship between you and your body. You are worth more than what you look like on the outside. Together, we will work together to help you learn to focus on what feels good to you rather than what feeds the negative self-talk. Self-love and acceptance can be a reality for you. Let us show you how.
We want to support you on your journey toward self-love and acceptance. Our body image therapists at Manhattan Wellness have worked with many individuals who felt as if their worth stemmed from how they looked physically. Before working with them in therapy for body image issues, they felt anxiety when they tried on clothes or looked in the mirror. They felt as if they were not enough and that their physical appearance was inadequate. Their inner voice was always telling them that they just didn’t measure up.
After therapy for body image issues, these individuals were able to confront that voice and reframe their negative thinking. They were also able to expand their narrow beliefs about themselves and their bodies to see their worth outside of their physical appearance. In body image therapy, they took time to reflect on how their body image has played a role in lowering their self-esteem and their quality of life. They were finally able to start to make peace with their bodies and accept themselves as they are.
Our therapists understand that making these changes will take time and effort, but we are here to support you. There may be moments of challenging conversations, moments of discomfort, or moments of reflection. We will partner with you on this journey knowing that this will be hard work, but you’re more than capable. Our goal is to provide you with the tools, support, and knowledge to bring you closer to the acceptance and self-love you desire.
Our team at Manhattan Wellness approaches body image therapy wanting to help individuals learn about self-acceptance, compassion, and love for their bodies. We want to help them see their worth outside of what they look like on the outside and choose what “feels good” instead of what they feel as if they "should do". Our goals are similar to HAES in the way that we prioritize the development of self-compassion and understanding.
jennifer silvershein teplin, lcsw
Embrace that change is constant and become empowered in your newfound independence
College Students
Pour into yourself and become the empowered, confident you.
Therapy for Self-Esteem
Couples therapy, marriage and relationship counseling, sex therapy and premarital counseling
Dating & Relationships
Life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they’re supposed to help you discover who you are.
Anxiety Therapy
Our team of compassionate therapists wants to support you when other feelings, emotions, and struggles may come up. So, we offer a range of therapy services at Manhattan Wellness so you can find the right services for all your needs. The therapy services we offer are Therapy for Women, Eating Disorder Counseling, Depression Treatment, Maternal Mental Health Support, and more. Do you feel like you're not living the life you want and need to make changes? Let's talk about it.